Wednesday, May 31, 2006
John McCain Cannot Become President
Saturday, May 27, 2006
Everybody Want Fucking Special Treatment
Pres. Bush has Turned the Senate Over to the Dems
4 Democrats oppose
one Independent, 23 Repub;icans and 36 Democrats support amnesty for illegal aliens
The Liberals Assholes both Dems and Republican won. Thanks to Pres. Bush, liberal leftists are getting what they want at the expense of America.
But we did get one good thing out of this mess, we now know for a fact who the scumbags Republicans are in the Senate and who the good guys are that deserve our support.
Thursday, May 25, 2006
More Stupid Republicans
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Mexican Asshole President is in the United States
Monday, May 22, 2006
I Never Want to see Another Bush in the White House
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Democrats Want to Lynch Duke Lacrosse Players
And since the leftist assholes in the media cannot get the Duke players on rape charges, they are going after them on everything else. The Duke players are getting attack by the open-minded leftist hypocrites who believe in college “experimentation” because they hired a stripper for their party. The fact that they hired a stripper for a college party that had alcohol is now being used to say that they are out of control rapist jocks. I wonder if all the men who attend or hire strippers to perform at parties where alcohol were being served are rapist. If that were true, that would mean that we have tens of millions of rapist in America.
American Genocide: Over 45 Million Dead Since 1973

Why the most powerful and technically sophisticated nation on Earth kill unborn human beings by the millions? Technically sophisticated we might be but morally sophisticated we are not. The millions killed in this country’s abortion mills will be a stain our national soul for many years to come much like how the Holocaust has stain the nation of Germany.
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Lost Cause

President Bush is the greatest friend Mexico has ever had and he is the greatest domestic treat to American sovereignty since Jimmy Carter. We must move on and look towards the future in order to recover from another Bush mistake on our part. We got screwed over by Bush 41 and now we are getting the same treatment from his son Bush 43, thats a shame on us. Pres. Bush could have done great things but he chose to be to be mediocre much like his father. Pres. Bush seem to be unable to understand that importing a Third World nation like Mexico is a bad idea.
Here is my take on The War in Iraq. Pres. Bush has endangered the life of every men and women in the U.S military on the frontlines because he wants to wage a sensitive war against terrorist to improve his image among liberal leftist. I pray for all the people in the U.S Military while this fool is in the White House.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
The Way Some White People Act Around Black People

John Kerry being a funny asshole in front of the NAACP. And the foolish members of the NAACP just love the attention they are getting from their Loving New Master. The Dems got it so easy keeping some people happy its ashame they can't or most likely don't want to see the truth of their pathetic situation.
Monday, May 15, 2006
Bush’s Illegal Alien Sales Pitch is Comprehensive Shit
In his immigration speech, President Bush tried to sell illegal aliens to Americans as a part of a comprehensive immigration reform plan. This man is in love with illegal aliens, I think Pres. Bush cares more about the illegal aliens that have shown disrespect for American law as their first act when they entered this nation than his own legacy. I feel less safe and very much sick after hearing his “comprehensive” speech. He has lost touch with reality and is on his way to presidential mediocrity on a permanent bases.
What are Americans to do to support this great nation of ours? This situation is so bad, we are screwed if we vote for Republicans like Bush and we are double screwed if we do not vote thus insuring the victory of the Democrat fools on the socialist left.
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Bush: a Day Late and a Dollar Short
What Pres. Bush is selling tomorrow I am not buying. But I must ask myself, why is he now putting fort solutions to the illegal immigration disaster that he has over seen for the last 5 years? With the crazy government spending, the crazy trade imbalance with China and the rest of the World, the massive expansion of government and the incredible growth of the national debt during his presidency have affectively crippled his administration. Conservative America support of Bush has dropped 25% since January and down to 50 percent from its highs during the Election of 91%. Think thing what Bush is offering tomorrow is window dressing to revive a failing presidency but his heart is still with those policies that has destroy his image in the eye of conservatives.
Saturday, May 13, 2006
A Media Obsess with Sexual Deviancy
The sick thing is that stories that involved people with deviant lifestyles get good ratings on TV. In the wat bloody motor vehicle accident along highways get rubberneck viewers, so does accident of nature and society. Gladly, freak shows don’t stay in one location for too long. But the damn media is managing to find more and more different kinds freaks weekly, so this freak so is lasting long than the average circus. Hopefully they will get back to real news soon, in the intermediate time I will be watching financial news. CNBC
Friday, May 12, 2006
I Refuse to be Killed by Islamist Because of Liberalism

I do not care why they hate us; I just want to kill them before they can kill me or my family and friends. The liberal Americans sickened me when they asked, what did we do to them to cause them to attack us? They asked this stupid question just a few days after the attacks on September 11, 2001. These self-hating assholes blame America for the attacks on 9/11 and sympathized with the Islamist terrorist that are behind the attacks. But we should not expect anything better from people who have grown up hating America by their liberal hippie parents. These fat fucks enjoy all the benefits bestow on to them because they are in America. Yet, they would do anything and everything to undermine America. Liberal leftism is a mental disease that leads to suicide. If liberal fools like George Clooney have their way, millions of American will be dead at the hands of throat cutters from the Middle East.
Thursday, May 11, 2006
ACLU, the Enemy Within!

Why is the ACLU so determine to destroy America? Its like they don’t realize that they are in America too and the next time terrorist kill Americans, their kids may be one of the dead. I just do not get the suicidal nature of the ACLU. Only the bastard suicidal radical Muslim terrorist can understand where the ACLU is coming from with their BS. The war on the overseas enemies of America is half ass without confronting the enemy within our borders.The ACLU will one day cause a mushroom cloud to appear over one of our cities unless they are seriously challenged by officials for their relentless support of those who wish to bring death on millions of Americans.
Talking Point President
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Don't Invest in Liberalism: Time Warner Inc.

Time Warner stock price has gone from over $60 to below $10 within the last 5 years, now it is hovering around $17. A media company like Time Warner requires public trust and fairness if it is to attract an audience. From the content of CNN and HBO, Time Warner does not understand the meaning of the word “fairness” thus it does not have the trust of Americans.
Monday, May 08, 2006
Christopher of The Sopranos Infected with AIDS

Sunday, May 07, 2006
Boycott The Ford Motor Company
Good news, Ford sales dropped 6.6% in April. and all Ford's brands
“For us, it was very natural to address gay families. We’re targeting people with modern day values. It’s a value set and the Volvo-minded consumer is very diverse. ‘Family’ is much more than the traditional family.” - Thomas Anderson, executive vice-president of Volvo Cars North America, a division of Ford Motor Company, on definition of family.
A portion of your money goes to the Homosexual Redefinition of Marriage Movement when you buy a product of the Ford Motor Company.
Friday, May 05, 2006
"Nothing Gringo Day" has been Extended

Illegals Have Strong Feelings About Bush

Delusional Mexican Who Want to Steal America
The radical leftist boycott of Americans and American products is being extended another week and across Central and South America. I guess the boycott of America by illegal immigrants in America was not enough to weaken the strong well of sensible people. Now the dirty bums want to break the back of America by starting an international boycott. I hope the Republicans that want to import cheap labor from the Third World realized that they would also be importing radical leftist inhabitants that make the Third World the Third World. There are good people in the Third World that understand that the problem with their countries is the neo-Marxist politicians that rape and pillage their countries with the hammer of socialism.
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Getting Away With Murder Kennedy Style

Like father like son, Patrick Kennedy and his father Ted Kennedy are both menace to society. They both have gotten away with crimes that would have put the average person into prison with charges up to their necks. Hopefully Patrick Kennedy stop drinking and driving before he kills some innocent person. This was not the first time Patrick Kennedy got in trouble driving drunk but for the sake of human life, he should get some real help with his personal demons before he does a Ted Kennedy.
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Bush Support Illegals and Illegals Want his Head Cut Off

Isn't it funny how a so-called right-winger president is the main foolish supporter of a left-wing invasion that is calling for his head. We need a fence between America and Mexico yesterday but the foolish politicans are playing games to gain more money and votes. Bush does not realize the longer he leaves the border unsecure, the more South and Central American commie assholes we will see on our streets. I just hate damn commies and their stupid Che pictures.
Monday, May 01, 2006
Hot Blonde Teacher Pamela Turner: Bad Bad Girl

Why are the female teachers arrested for fooling around with their students seem to be all hot blondes? Probably its because the news media only report this type of crime when an attractive women is in the center of the story. But where are all the hot brunettes and redheads?
But on a more serious note, beautiful women have a considerable advantage in the legal system over men and for that matter less attractive women. People seem to find it difficult to sentence a young pretty fit female to prison for the same crime committed by an ugly fat older woman. Studies have shown that beautiful women live longer than less attractive women by a significant margin.