Wafah Dufour said this about 9/11 "I was freaking out, crying hysterically, watching this in horror. I was like 'Somebody's bombing my city, and I wanna go home!'"
"I was born in the States, and I want people to know I'm American, and I want people to understand that I'm like anyone in New York. For me, it's home," she added.
She also said “Come on, where’s the American spirit? Accept me. I want to be embraced, because my values are like yours. And I’m here. I’m not hiding.”
I do not think she is a bad person or an al Qaeda supporter but she represent a problem radical Islamist have against us or use against us. I do think the slutification of the Arab female by liberal western media is a major reason for their hatred of America.
congratulations for the blog very good i don´t speak english very well because i chilean visite me www.juanpablo01.blogspot.com bye
It's called "honor killing". Because Bin Laden is such an honorable man.
Hello little Myron.
Just wanted to congratulate you on your improving writing. I counted very few errors in your post on Wafah - mostly run-on sentences and some punctuation stuff.
True, you're still a lying, log-rolling, hate-mongering sack of shit. But your typing is improving.
How's everything? Are you still spamming other people's blogs? Are you still leaving comments on your own blog, pretending to be other people? Or have you found new ways to be awful?
Anyway, I hope all is well with you this H-O-L-I-D-A-Y season. My best to you, and to all the people you pretend to be. Good luck!
Wow. Whoever dirtybird is, they sure are great debaters, eh? How wonderful! How fact-driven! Makes ya want to jump right on over to their side, huh?
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