Pro-Life, Pro-Family, Pro-God, Pro-America, Pro-Defense, Pro-Freedom, Pro-Military, Pro-Constitution, Pro-Capital, Pro-Conservation, Pro-Environment, Pro-Gun Rights, Pro-Market, Pro-Trade, Pro-Innovation, Anti-Socialism, Anti-Internationalism, Anti-Leftist, Anti-Immorality, Anti-Fascism, Anti-Atheism, Anti-Anarchism, Anti-Criminals, Anti-Communism, Anti-Totalitarianism and Anti-Liberalism.
..this should be shown to every teen and flashed nitely on the news
yes i wish the news publicized this as much as they publicize our fallen soldiers in Iraq
That's just so wrong. Saddens me to think this is legal. But don't put a murderer to death. Geeez!
That's disgusting.
As those disturbing pictures went on & on, I thot: so too does the procedure. That had as much impact on me as the pics themselves.
I'm going to be sick.
effective and disturbing.
But somehow i have a feeling Myron gets his "sick jolleys" viewing pics like this.
Hey, Spammer, it's too bad one of them wasn't you. You've got a lot of fucking nerve bombing my blog with Spam, I should report you to Blogger. And I will.
murder plain and simple.
First off I second the Spammer comment. If you want to participate in debate do more than posting your link in the comment pages of other people's Blogs. Second, regarding the above photos.First off they are extremely horrid and unsettling images. I would like to know where you got these and how many of them are actual abortions. I have a limited medical knowledge but many appear to be still births. Also Doctors who perform abortions do not as a rule photograph the fetuses after the procedure. Usually the only photos taken are when babies die during birth or due to an accident of some kind (pregnant mother in car accident etc.) to use in medical training. In fact ot would be a violation of a patients reights to photograph without permission. Im sure you pulled these from some extreme pro-life website with no basis of what you are actually looking at. Also some these newborns are way past the legal abortion term and would never have been aborted by an actual MD and if in fact they were performed that late then it was done so illegally and no matter what side you are on it is a crime. Call me hippocritical since I persoanlly am against abortion but support the right for a Women to choose. Images like this go a long way to push the right wing agenda home but we shouldnt be too quick to take everything at face value. How they died may be an issue but it is a tragedy none the less. Shock and Awe isnt always the answer.
I think the only thing worse than seeing those pictures are the people that dig through clinic dumpsters, reassemble the bodies to look like people (they're not), give them names of characters or books from the Bible, and take pictures of them in the name of activist fodder.
"reassemble the bodies" What kind of bodies are they?
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