Pro-Life, Pro-Family, Pro-God, Pro-America, Pro-Defense, Pro-Freedom, Pro-Military, Pro-Constitution, Pro-Capital, Pro-Conservation, Pro-Environment, Pro-Gun Rights, Pro-Market, Pro-Trade, Pro-Innovation, Anti-Socialism, Anti-Internationalism, Anti-Leftist, Anti-Immorality, Anti-Fascism, Anti-Atheism, Anti-Anarchism, Anti-Criminals, Anti-Communism, Anti-Totalitarianism and Anti-Liberalism.
Well first off the p90 is a sub-machine gun (SMG), and probably the same thing they think of a guy with an SMG; "Wtf does a citizen need a military-grade weapon for?"
Well first off the p90 is a sub-machine gun (SMG), and probably the same thing they think of a guy with an SMG; "Wtf does a citizen need a military-grade weapon for?"