Sunday, February 12, 2006

This is What a Woman Looks Like Ashley Judd, You Liberal Skank You

Faith Hill

Republican women like Faith Hill are the only thing preventing crazy liberal chicks like Ashley Judd from dragging this country down the drain. Faith Hill is more than a pretty face and a lovely voice, she is very active in charities helping children. Faith Hill has teamed with Gen. Colin Powell's Alliance For Youth to create a national book drive that provide children's books to community schools that cannot afford to buy them. The Tennessee Baptist Children's Homes organisation awarded Faith Hill as the first recipient of its Sheltering Hand Award for her work in helping children charities in Tennessee. She has also performed for the troops as apart of the USO Tour. Faith Hill has also established her own charity, the Faith Hill Family Literacy Project, I wonder if Asshley Judd has put her money where her big fat mouth is and establish a charity to help people. I think she has not, just like other liberal hypocrites who talk the walk.

Ashley Judd should move to the Netherlands or France and have all the abortions her heart's desire.

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