Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Senator Ted Kennedy's Illegitimate Love Child Secret No More

Caroline Bilodeau and her son Christopher Kennedy


Senator Ted Kennedy has a love child, The National Enquirer can reveal.

The bombshell world exclusive report is published in the print edition of The National Enquirer, which is hitting newsstands today.

Sources say the 73-year-old senator for Massachusetts took a paternity test that proved he had fathered a son by a lover half his age.

But he paid the woman and had the scandal covered up — the child has been kept a secret for a staggering 21 years.

Several months before his divorce was finalized from first wife Joan in December 1983, sources say Ted, then 51, started dating Caroline Bilodeau, an attractive brunette from Cape Cod.

The love child, named Christopher, was born in December 1984. Adopted by a man Caroline later married, he is now a handsome college student.

According to the sources, Ted was not happy when he learned Caroline was pregnant and asked her at the time to have an abortion, which she refused.

Sources say the woman was paid at least $15,000 "from someone in the Kennedy camp," said a Bilodeau family source.

Kennedy family sources say the sensational revelation is sure to jolt Ted's devoted wife Victoria and his three children from his marriage to Joan — Kara, 45, Teddy Jr., 44, and Patrick, 38.

The news will also send shockwaves through the nation's capital , where hard-driving Kennedy has been one of the leading opponents of President Bush's Supreme Court Nominee Samuel Alito, grilling him in nationally-televised hearings.

Both Caroline and Christopher declined to comment. And the Senator did not respond to calls from The National Enquirer.

Other exclusive details about Kennedy's love child scandal and photos of Caroline and Christopher can be found in The National Enquirer's exciting new issue.

From The National Enquirer.

Christopher Bilodeau a.k.a Christopher Kennedy Not Another Stinking Kennedy Thug KennedyIsn't he a gem?

I would be angry too if i knew my father wanted me dead even before i was born. To be the bastered son of the most well known family in America, what a life story this dude is going to have at the end of his life. And as for his dad, wow this guy is the scum of the Earth. 51 years old man cheating on his wife with a girl in her twenties and when she got pregnant he ask for an abortion and thats all after he kill another pregnant mistress. If you didn't hate teddy boy before you should sure hate him now. I wonder if Chris ever met his real dad, i would love to be a fly on the wall in that room.

For More Info Check the Links Below

Mag: Ted K’s secret love child a secret no more - FreeRepublic.com

Tab claims 21-year-oldis Teddy's boy – NY Daily News

TED KENNEDY'S SECRET LOVE CHILD – Yahoo Entertainment News

Ted Kennedy Accused of Fathering Illegitimate Child - The National Ledger.com

Kennedy's Love Child Speaks Out: "I Have the Classic Kennedy Drinking Problem" - The Conservative Voice.com

TED KENNEDY'S SECRET LOVE CHILD - The National Enquirer.com

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