Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Pic of Klansman and Democratic Senator Robert Byrd in his Klan Outfit with his Hood Off

The things Democrats getaway with is just amazing, I cannot believe the fact that a klansman is one of if not the most senior Democratic senator. Senator Byrd was not just a standard klansman, oh no he was in the top leadership of the KKK. So he went from the KKK to the U.S. Congress, not bad for a leftist moron.

If news breaks tomorrow morning that Republican Senator Bill Frist attended a single Klan rally thirty years ago, he would be out of office by tomorrow afternoon.


  1. nice obvious use of photoshop

  2. He repudiated the KKK as a young man in 1952. The photo is a fake.

    1. And then he filibustered for 13 straight hours the 1965 civil rights bill as a grown middle aged man in his 40s to keep segregation. Nice try.

    2. And then he filibustered for 13 straight hours the 1965 civil rights bill as a grown middle aged man in his 40s to keep segregation. Nice try.

  3. Might want to add Pro-photoshop to your list there

  4. Too bad your point at denigrating Democrats fails because the two parties switched platforms and constituencies. Byrd would be a Republican today. Lincoln would be a Democrat. Republicans are retards.

  5. No evidence of the magic "switch parties" that you speak of. Nice try.

  6. Byrd was a democrat right up until the day he died. He was pro dred scott, pro segregation, pro jim crow, fought against the civil rights acts of '57 and '64. The party switch is a big lie. Stop being led like a sheep to slaughter and research your history.

  7. Which is obviously why the Republicans want to repeal the 1965 Voting Rights Act and are putting laws up that seem to restrict the very people who were kept from voting by the Jim Crow laws the Democrats put up after the Civil War.

    Then, the Republicans run a candidate who at the very least seems to be emboldening the KKK, Neo-Nazi groups, and other racists because they think he supports them. That's the party of Lincoln? If you want to lie to yourselves, I guess that's up to you, but don't expect the rest of us to buy your bs. It is quite obvious there has been a switch.
