Monday, October 17, 2005

Democrats are Just Stupid

Even with President Bush’s Supreme Court nomination blunder the anti-American Democratic Party is unable to capitalize. Only stupid inapt socialist are unable to benefit from their political opponent mistakes. Why don’t Dems propose their ideas? I think it is because their ideas coincide with Bush’s blunders. Bush’s mistakes and weakness reek of socialist and liberal stench. Instead of playing to his base and his strength Bush 43 has decided to sell out to the Dems and their liberal socialist agenda. President Bush must be as stupid as the socialist liberals he is selling out to if he thinks that True Conservatives are going to blindly follow him over the cliff that is Liberal Socialism.

I have said it before on this blog before months ago and I will say it again. President Bush is a liberal playing the role of a conservative. He played the role to get elected and reelect but now he does not need us for another election so he is finally showing his true colors. Bush try to portray himself as a stringent evangelical pro-life conservative but that’s a load of BS. I came to this conclusion years ago when Laura Bush said she was pro-abortion ( she said “pro-choice” but I dislike the term pro-choice because I think you are either in favor of abortion or against it, I don’t like mixing words. People who say they are “pro-choice” are in favor of abortion the word choice makes the term misleading. It like they are spearing themselves from a pro-abortion group believe in mandatory abortions for every pregnancy) I say what stringent evangelical pro-life conservative you know would marry a person in favor of abortion, the killing of helpless innocent. NONE

I was told along time ago that you can judge a man very much on his wife and vice versa. Things that a man hides in himself is sometimes clear as day in his wife. Dems can’t even capitalize from the falsehood in Bush position. Dems could have weakness Bush’s conservative credentials among conservatives by pointing out the holes in his life. If the Dems can’t take down a phony like Bush how can they run a country successfully. Dems are just Stupid Socialist with no plans and ideas.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there,
    This is chemjeff from ChemJeff's Political Blog. Thanks for including me in your blogroll! I don't agree with judging W so harshly based on the person he chose to marry - I've seen all sorts of odd couples composed of people one would never predict would fall in love together. However, I do agree that (a) Miers was a disastrous pick and (b) Bush isn't a very authentic conservative. He plays lip service to a good portion of it but he does not seem authentically connected to the conservative movement. I would be interested in hearing your comments on where you think authentic conservatives should go from here in terms of political activism.
