Thursday, May 17, 2007

STOP the Comprehensive Socialist Reform Bill

The Immigration Reform Bill should be called the Comprehensive Socialist Reform Bill because it is an amnesty and it is a $3 trillion giveaway to illegal immigrants. This is a bill that the Evil Doer President Bush and the Socialist Democrats in congress support in which American property and wealth will be redistributed according their liberal will and control to non-Americans lawbreakers. This is a full frontal attack by leftist liberals like Bush, McCain and Kennedy on America on a scale we have never seen in the history of this nation. It is an economic war on middle class America and this horrible bill is the beginning of the systematic economic genocide of poor Americans.

Video: Jerry Falwell on Glenn Beck's show

This was not a man of hate as the leftist socialist dems would like you to believe.

Bipartisanship = Tax Payers Getting Screwed

When you know that a bipartisan bill is about to be pass on a hotly debated matter such as illegal immigration you should also know that the American tax payer is about to get screwed up the (you know what). This secret bill that the President and Democrats are working on behind closed doors might just be the worse act of treason by D.C. politicians in this age of treason. The disloyalty by these politicians towards the American people is reaching critical mass. Any immigration bill that is supported by most of the Democrats and President Bush must be block at all cost. The foolish Bush administration will not rest until they bring America to its knees in their relentless pursuit of internationalism. To prevent this phone calls must be made, letters must be written and everything thing must be done to contain this administration until Bush’s term ends. This man will go down as the second worse president just behind the King Midas of shit Jimmy Carter.

Black on Black Stupidity from the Left

I was going to title this post “Black on Black Racism from the Left” but I do not think this is as racist as it is just plain stupid.