Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum (46) is a good GOP presidential candidate in 2008. He is a strong republican in Pennsylvania (blue state 2004) and is a true conservative. He's up for reelection in 2006 but I think he will easily be reelected. Sen. Santorum is pro-life, pro-2nd amendment, pro-tax cuts, voted yes on prohibiting same-sex marriage, voted yes on limiting death penalty appeals, voted no on expanding hate crimes to include sexual orientation, voted yes on limit welfare for immigrants. Vote to create a national registry containing names of U.S. workers who want to perform temporary or seasonal agricultural work and voted yes for visas for SKILLED workers.
The Senator's legislation fought to end partial-birth abortion and won congressional approval and was signed by President Bush. Senator Santorum successfully ushered the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act through the Senate and House, and his bill to recognize the basic rights of all children born alive was signed into law. Sen. Santorum can deliver Pennsylvania with its 23 electoral votes. Hopefully he does good in 2006 and run for the White House in 2008. He's the only Conservative hope I see, Senator Bill Frist is dull, I don't trust Senator John McCain, Rudy Giuliani is not Conservative and I am sorry to say but Condoleezza Rice can't win.
Pro-Life, Pro-Family, Pro-God, Pro-America, Pro-Defense, Pro-Freedom, Pro-Military, Pro-Constitution, Pro-Capital, Pro-Conservation, Pro-Environment, Pro-Gun Rights, Pro-Market, Pro-Trade, Pro-Innovation, Anti-Socialism, Anti-Internationalism, Anti-Leftist, Anti-Immorality, Anti-Fascism, Anti-Atheism, Anti-Anarchism, Anti-Criminals, Anti-Communism, Anti-Totalitarianism and Anti-Liberalism.
Monday, February 28, 2005
President Bush Tout Democracy in Russia
President Bush went to Russia and touted the necessity for a government to listen and response to the demand of its people through a democratic process. At the same time, President Bush is defying the voters who supported him on November 2 with is lax and reckless position on illegal immigration. It is beneficial that President Bush is spreading the idea of democracy and free markets in order to “defend our national interests around the world in order to make us safer at home” and I for one support him 100% on his aspect of his agenda. But we must ask Bush, what ever happened to defend our national interests at home?
Bush need to support a strong border policy because it is in America’s best interest and in his best interest because if an Al-Qaeda type cross the Mexican border and commit a terrorist act within the next four years Bush’s impeachment is likely. Amnesty for illegal immigrants make as must sense as amnesty for thieves like Ken Lay and Scott Sullivan. Amnesty periods encourage future illegal immigration and reward current lawbreakers. President Bush should understand that it should not be the American way to reward and encourage bad behavior through relaxed law enforcement and financial incentives.
Even Hilary Clinton is moving to the right on this issue in her ongoing (post 2004 election eye-opener) repositioning for a 2008 run for the Whit House. Clinton’s bogus remake will drawer a portion of Bush’s 2004 support form the GOP in 2008, if the White House continues down this current path on illegal immigration. Many people I know voted for Bush over Kerry to ensure national security by rejecting liberalism. So, why is Bush adopting liberal polices?
The Russians need the something as Americans, a government for the people by the people.
Bush need to support a strong border policy because it is in America’s best interest and in his best interest because if an Al-Qaeda type cross the Mexican border and commit a terrorist act within the next four years Bush’s impeachment is likely. Amnesty for illegal immigrants make as must sense as amnesty for thieves like Ken Lay and Scott Sullivan. Amnesty periods encourage future illegal immigration and reward current lawbreakers. President Bush should understand that it should not be the American way to reward and encourage bad behavior through relaxed law enforcement and financial incentives.
Even Hilary Clinton is moving to the right on this issue in her ongoing (post 2004 election eye-opener) repositioning for a 2008 run for the Whit House. Clinton’s bogus remake will drawer a portion of Bush’s 2004 support form the GOP in 2008, if the White House continues down this current path on illegal immigration. Many people I know voted for Bush over Kerry to ensure national security by rejecting liberalism. So, why is Bush adopting liberal polices?
The Russians need the something as Americans, a government for the people by the people.